stay up-to-date with Ag-related events
and learning opportinities throughout berks county
Career Day
Students will have an opportunity to spend a morning exploring the exciting career opportunities in the environment, agriculture, the food industry and other related careers. Don't miss this chance to meet with local businesses, federal and state agencies, universities and colleges that offer courses in these subjects. In addition, related careers in accounting, law, banking, and other areas of interest will be represented. Those attending can enter a drawing to receive prizes that will be awarded in May.
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National Ag Day
For the past several years, Berks County’s farm community has joined with others across the country to welcome spring and celebrate National Ag Day. This recognition of the hard work farmers do in feeding our country and the world is an important annual event here in county. This also has been designated the date for Berks Agricultural Resource Network’s annual meeting. Beginning in 2008 at the Berks County Agricultural Center, the annual meeting celebrates a key ingredient to Berks County’s food and fiber industries.
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